Monday, November 18, 2013

WCH Custom Drums: Drummning Continued....

That's me!
  Okay, over a year ago I made a change so that I
Sent to customer in Japan
could hopefully be home more and travel less.  What a great year of getting close again with my family.  This also seemed to coincide with an unfortunate total shutoff of any interest or sales for custom drums through WCH custom drums.  Might have been a coincidence...but might have been a gift as well.  All coincidences aside, I have made another career move back to the
First customized drum made by WCH
Fort Wayne area.  Still doing the same there is and always
Octabon sold to customer in UK
will be travel.  BUT...I am a drummer...I will always be a drummer...I will never quit playing drums.  In July this year (2013), despite my love for drums, I decided to take WCH off the web as a full fledged business wanna-be.  It was really always a hobby.  Hopefully I can continue to occasionally make drums as a hobby for any of those interested in the future.  I have been blessed to have had the opportunity to have made some 

pretty cool drums and drum sets (pictured throughout this post).  The coolest by far has been the joint effort to build the Riley Drum Set for the campers at Camp Riley.  With phone calls, contatcts, emails, and lots of asking for donations, we were able to build a complete drum set to be used for the campers' music program.  What an awesome feeling!  

Campers and counselors at Camp Riley right after the drop off.  Worked out to be
during the campers orientation day as well...worked out perfect!

first official customer requested custom drum - Marcus Thomas - Tampa, FL
All three of these belong to Tim Newman - Chicago, IL

This drum set pictured to the left, had one of the coolest stories associated with it.  WCH re-covered it and had the custom vinyl made for a firefighter in Monroe, IN.  The custom printed wrap is simulated diamond plate with flames shooting in from the edges.  The short story is this; the drummer sold his drum set some 15+ years ago to pay for his wife's engagement ring.  She promised to someday pay him back.  She contacted me and and worked out all the details and time to drop it off in secret.  He had no idea.  

Well, this post started because I just wanted to post something quick and see if I remembered how to log in  ;)

Thanks, God bless, & keep drumming!

Paul Hunt